Friday, February 27, 2009

OnLy IsLaM NoT DeMoCrAcY

Hedonism,individualism,ignorance,corrupt politics
Crime ( free sex e.g pornography,prostitution,adultery,homosexuality,and drugs plus their bad impact e.g HIV AIDS,abortion;human trafficking,child abuse,murder,mutilation,rape,robbery,theft,...)
Youth bamboozled by their trivial bustles (hangs-out,clubbing,secular boyband-concert joints..)
All those above are junks
junks produced from what is called DEMOCRACY
freedom of speech,belief,behaviour,and ownership
freedom of ruling with man-made (not Allah-made) laws
in the name of DEMOCRACY,man has FREEDOM to adopt those-above-junks
Allah and islam have no place but in the rituals (muslims' spiritual life e.g prayer,fasting,zakat,hajj) but not in the non rituals (i.e.muslims' political life)
Allah's words are indeed true:
"Do they then seek after a judgment of the days of ignorance?but who,for a people whose faith is assured,can give better judgment than Allah?"
(Qs al maaidah : 50)

"Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of the meed that the hands of men have earned,that Allah may give them a taste of some of their deeds,in order that they may turn back from evil"
(Qs ar ruum : 41)

"But whosoever turns away from my message,verily for him is a life narrowed down,and we shall raise him up blind on the day of judgment"
(Qs thaha : 124)

"If the people of the towns had but believed and feared Allah,We should indeed have opened out to them all kinds of blessing from heaven and earth.But they rejected the truth,and we brought them to book for their misdeeds"
(Qs al a'raaf : 96)

Now that DEMOCRACY bespeaks its own bankruptcy,
it is time for us to be back to ISLAM KAFFAH
neither with DEMOCRACY nor anything else
but with the coming back of the KHILAFAH who implements islamic shariah kaffah on earth