Friday, January 23, 2009

Israel - the spoilt child of the west

As the Israeli aggression continues against the Muslims in Gaza, Muslims and many non-Muslims across the world have demonstrated against the atrocities committed by the Zionist entity. As images continue to be beamed across the world of dead bodies dumped outside hospitals and the bombing of schools, even the influential pro-Israeli elements in the media are finding it difficult to justify Israel's aggression. Attempts by some to secure a ceasefire are falling on deaf ears as the US continues to stand in the way of such actions.

The Western world since the creation of Israel has supported the Zionist entity - it is virtually impossible for Israel to survive on its own. Understanding this is crucial because it defines who should be targeted in the current crisis and the stance people should take generally towards Israel.

British Strategic interests

Theodor Herzl is credited with founding political Zionism, a movement which sought to establish a Jewish state, by elevating the Jewish question onto the international scene. In 1896, Herzl published Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State), offering his vision of a future state; the following year he presided over the first World Zionist Congress.

In 1907 British Prime Minister Henry Campbell-Bannerman formed a committee with France, Belgium, Holland, Portugal, Spain and Italy. He gathered specialists in history, geography, economics, oil, agriculture and colonialism - to study possible ways to assure the continuity of European colonial interests. In his directives to the committee members, he outlined that empires grow in power to a certain extent, expand then gradually disintegrate and collapse. He asked them to find a way for delaying the fate of European colonialism which had reached its peak, at the time, when the sun never set on the British Empire. The committee's key recommendation was:

"There are people (Muslims) who control spacious territories teeming with manifest and hidden resources. They dominate the intersections of world routes. Their lands were the cradles of human civilizations and religions. These people have one faith, one language, one history and the same aspirations. No natural barriers can isolate these people from one another ... if, per chance, this nation were to be unified into one state, it would then take the fate of the world into its hands and would separate Europe from the rest of the world. Taking these considerations seriously, a foreign body should be planted in the heart of this nation to prevent the convergence of its wings in such a way that it could exhaust its powers in never-ending wars. It could also serve as a springboard for the West to gain its coveted objects."

Prime Minister Henry Bannerman, Campbell-Bannerman Report, 1907

Although Argentina and Uganda were considered for the establishment of a Jewish homeland Britain viewed the plight and outright racism Jews experienced in Europe from a strategic perspective. With the Ottomans on its final legs Britain and its European power brokers were determined that the Muslim world should never be able to unite and threaten Western interests ever again.

David Fromkin, Professor and expert of Economic History at the University of Chicago describes the actions of the European colonialists:

"With centuries of mercantilist experience, Britain and France created small, unstable states whose rulers needed their support to stay in power. The development and trade of these states were controlled and they were meant never again to be a threat to the West. These external powers then made contracts with their puppets to buy Arab resources cheaply, making the feudal elite enormously wealthy while leaving most citizens in poverty."

European colonialists led by Britain used the Zionist call for a Jewish homeland to achieve their own strategic interests in keeping the Muslim world in endless wars with this Zionist entity and never threatening colonial interests ever again.

Strategic support

Although British influence in the Middle East has been replaced by American influence, the US is committed to protecting Israel, guaranteeing her security and securing a prosperous standard of living for the Jews living there. However this is not out of any moral obligation but due to strategic interests. It is these interests that have resulted in support of all types to Israel. With the population of the Palestinian territories forecasted to overtake that of Israel's by 2019, Israel needs a strong economy to attract Jewish migration from across the world and then to maintain a high standard of living for them.

A cursory glance at Israel's economy shows it is poor in natural resources; Israel depends on imports of oil, coal, food, production inputs and military equipment. Through a variety of agreements, deals and support from the West Israel has managed to develop the foundation of an industrial economy. With a population the size of Scotland Israel has an economy worth $185 billion. The European Union, US, Turkey, Mexico, Canada, Jordan and Egypt, have signed free trade agreements with Israel which means they all trade without any restrictions, which has helped Israel in procuring raw materials.

Foreign markets are an important source of revenue for Israel. Due to having a very small domestic market (due to its small population) it is forced to search for foreign markets to generate wealth. Industrialised nations generally focus 10% of their economy towards foreign trade (imports and exports). However 30% of the Israeli economy relies on exports, which is very high. Israel's main exports 10 years ago were Jaffa oranges and other agricultural products. Today's exports are increasingly high-tech, an estimated 80% of the products Israel exports are high-tech and electronics components. However Israel is finding it is light years behind Japan, China and Germany in this very competitive sector. 40% of Israeli exports end up on US shores even though the US can make the same agricultural goods and computer hardware cheaper and of better quality.

Because of the strategic role Israel plays in the Middle East it has been spoilt with military hardware and technology which would have otherwise taken it decades to develop. The US spends over $5 billion every year in military aid where it funds foreign militaries. Israel is the largest recipient of this, receiving $2 billion every year, whilst $1.3 billion goes to Egypt. This has given Israel a huge advantage over its surrounding nations. The US is expected to provide Israel with $30 billion in military aid between 2008 and 2017

Britain the original father of Israel has never let its spoilt child down. The British government's own figures show it is selling more and more weapons to Israel, despite questions about the country's use of force. In 2007, Britain approved £6 million of arms exports. In 2008, it licensed sales 12 times as fast: £20m in the first three months alone. Britain provides Israel with many of the technological components used in its military hardware. The licensees covered the export of armored vehicles and missile components that Israel regularly uses against the Muslims of Palestine. Major British companies such as HSBC, British Airways and British Gas have interests in Israel, and trade is now well above £2.4 billion. In addition, many Israeli companies see the UK as an attractive place to grow and expand their businesses. The UK, as an international financial hub, is the doorway to a world of opportunities for companies and entrepreneurs. More than 200 Israeli companies have set up operations in the UK, and that number continues to rise. Another 40 Israeli companies have already chosen the AIM (Alternative Investment Market - Market for new upcoming business which has fewer conditions compared to the FTSE100) stock exchange to raise capital, rather than the more expensive and distant option of the US.

The European Union describes Israel as "one of the EU's most established trading partners in the Euromed area ranking as the EU's 25th major trade partner," on its European commission website. EU-Israeli trade is at an all time high of €14 billion. The EU has a €30 billion arms industry that is competing internationally with the US and China. For these reasons the EU allows EU nations to compete freely in the arms markets. The EU hopes to encourage a restructuring of the continent's fractured arms industry so it is better able to tackle international rivals. Hence what Israel does with the arms purchased from the EU is of little concern to the EU.

Political support

Israel is essentially a military aircraft carrier for the US and the Western world in the region. However Western support goes beyond providing Israel with military hardware and includes political support.

The US Congress was notified in July 2006 in the midst of the Lebanon-Israel conflict of the sale of $210 million worth of jet fuel to Israel. The Defence George Bush Security Cooperation Agency noted that the sale of the JP-8 fuel, should it be completed, will "enable Israel to maintain the operational capability of its aircraft inventory." and "the jet fuel will be consumed while the aircraft is in use to keep peace and security in the region."

It has been speculated that the US has also provided Israel with "bunker buster" bombs, which would be used to target the leader of Hizbollah and destroy its trenches. The US has also jointly developed the Arrow Anti-Ballistic Missile Program. The world's only national operational missile defence system designed to intercept and destroy ballistic missiles. The Arrow is the most advanced missile defence system in the world. The development was funded by both Israel and the United States. Not only does the Arrow protect Israel, it has also provided the US the research and experience necessary to develop additional defensive weapons systems.

The Western world has also afforded Israel political support throughout its history. We witness again and again the veto of UN resolutions condemning Israel. Zalmay Khalilzad is reported to have received explicit instructions from his superiors at the US State Department to torpedo any initiative proposed by the Arab bloc which is designed to grant the Security Council the status of an official arbiter that will have direct involvement with the current disentangling Gaza crisis.

In July 2006 the United Nations Security Council rejected pleas from Lebanon that it call for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported the US was the only member out of the 15-nation UN body to oppose any council action at all. The US provided Israel with precession guided bombs which the British government denied any knowledge of landing and refuelling at British airports.

The Western world has created a lop-sided balance of power structure in the region by spoiling Israel with military technology. This has given Israel an immense advantage over any negotiations in the region and it is this reason why Israel unilaterally continues with settlement construction to alter the very face of the region. The maintenance of this balance of power was no accident. It has been carefully constructed to ensure US strategic interests are maintained. This is the reason the US is applying huge pressure on Iran for developing nuclear weapons, as this would change the geopolitics of the region. The US is also horrified by the deal signed by Russia and Iran for the S300 missile defence system. Such a missile defence system will completely alter the rules of the game as Iran could systematically take out 100 jets or missiles simultaneously


The current aggression against Gaza we are witnessing has US blessings written all over it. Without US and Western support Israel would never be in the position it is in today. The Western world has also ensured that its puppets in the Muslim world work with Israel and contribute towards strengthening it. From this perspective we should not miss the point and call for a halt in Israeli aggression as this would be the same as asking the dog to stop barking. Dealing with this problem requires an entity that has the will to threaten this Western strategic interest, the Arab nations collectively can pose such a challenge with the correct political will. The Muslim armies have the ability to change the status quo as each of the rulers in the Muslim world relies on the army to remain in power.

It should also be remembered that the US refuses to allow Israel to share the influence in the region with her. In order to prevent Israeli expansion and the spread of Israeli influence in the region, American policy has been based on isolating Israel from the rest of the region in an attempt to curtail her and minimise her role in the quest to solve the Palestinian issue and the Middle Eastern issue. US policy is centred around establishing a Palestinian state to act as an instrument of containment; by establishing a host of international guarantees and by bringing multinational forces to be deployed along the borders between Israel and the neighbouring Arab countries - Jordan, Syria, Egypt and the future Palestinian State. The American policy has also been based on working towards the internationalisation of Jerusalem, as America sees this internationalisation as a solution to the sensitive crisis of Jerusalem that would guarantee a strong American presence through the presence of the United Nations. Israeli invincibility is a myth and Israeli control on the global levers of power is an even bigger myth.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Resolusi 1860: Bukti Nyata Pengecutnya Para Penguasa Negeri Islam

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Mereka Tidak Hanya Menghinakan Gaza dengan Tentara Mereka, Justru Gaza Mereka Serahkan kepada Yahudi melalui Resolusi PBB

Pagi hari ini, Resolusi DK PBB No. 1860 tentang serangan biadab terhadap Jalur Gaza telah dikeluarkan. Dalam redaksinya telah digunakan substil politik yang busuk, yang sebelumnya telah digunakan dalam Resolusi PBB No. 242, setelah serangan tahun 1967 M. Pada saat itu dinyatakan, “Harus menarik diri dari tanah…” padahal seharusnya, “Menarik diri dari seluruh tanah.” Tujuannya agar tetap menyisakan ruang untuk negara Yahudi menduduki wilayah yang dikehendakinya!

Begitulah Resolusi ini, yang tidak secara tegas menyatakan, “Harus menarik diri dari Gaza…” sebaliknya hanya menyatakan, “Harus menghentikan pertempuran (gencatan senjata)” yang berujung pada penarikan diri. Tetapi kapan dan bagaimana itu bisa terjadi? Lalu, bagaimana dengan Resolusi yang sengaja masih diliputi kekaburan untuk menghentikan serangan Yahudi, di mana Yahudi tetap tidak akan menghentikan serangan, meski sudah ada sejumlah resolusi yang jauh lebih keras dan tegas?!

Sekalipun sejumlah Resolusi DK PBB tidak pernah bisa menyelesaikan masalah, bahkan sudah sangat banyak resolusi-resolusi seperti ini yang tidak dilaksanakan oleh negara Yahudi… Namun, AS dan sekutunya tetap saja menolak dikeluarkannya resolusi apapun dari DK PBB. Semuanya itu agar bisa memberikan kemudahan yang cukup bagi negara Yahudi untuk menumpahkan darah dalam serangan biadabnya terhadap Gaza, hingga negara Yahudi itu bisa mewujudkan tujuannya.

Karena mengikuti dan membebek kepada AS, para penguasa negeri Muslim itu pun benar-benar patuh pada kemauan AS, dengan senang atau terpaksa, sehingga mereka pun tidak kompak, berselisih satu sama lain, dan tidak ada kata sepakat..

Namun, setelah negara Yahudi menyaksikan perlawanan dahsyat yang harus dihadapi, dan tampak bahwa dengan operasi militernya itu negara Yahudi tidak mampu mewujudkan apa yang ditargetkan, sehingga boleh jadi masalahnya berlarut-larut, sementara pemilihan umum mereka sudah di depan mata, dan mereka pun membutuhkan kondisi “kemenangan”, baik melalui peperangan maupun perdamaian, agar pemilihan umum tersebut bisa berlangsung di sela-sela itu, saat itulah AS aktif sekali mewujudkannya untuk mereka melalui DK PBB, sehingga Condolezza Rice menjadi magnet yang luar biasa dalam bebagai pertemuan dan meeting. Dia pun menggerakkan para penguasa yang menjadi kepanjangan tangannya, sehingga mereka bergegas pergi untuk menemui DK PBB; siang malam mereka bekerja keras dengan penuh semangat.. Mereka itulah yang sebelumnya memandang perlunya membantu Gaza dengan tentara-tentara mereka dengan pandangan bak orang pingsan dari kematian. Padahal andai saja saat itu ada satu atau setengah front pertempuran di sana yang dibuka oleh para penguasa itu, pasti entitas Yahudi itu akan rontok, atau bahkan lenyap tak berbekas..

Melalui resolusi ini, sebenarnya para penguasa (goodfather) itulah yang mewujudkan kepentingan Yahudi yang justru tidak bisa diwujudkan melalui serangan biadab mereka. Resolusi itu akan tetap melanggengkan tentara Israel di Gaza, dan memastikan blokade terhadap Jalur Gaza tetap berlangsung dari sejumlah faktor yang bisa menguatkan dan mempersenjatai mereka. Jangan tertipu dengan penjelasan yang dibungkus dengan indah, tentang dibukanya blokade makanan dari mereka.

Untuk mensosialisasikan resolusi ini, AS sengaja abstain, agar tampak bahwa AS seolah-olah tidak berada di belakang resolusi tersebut, sehingga para penguasa itu pun bisa menunjukkan kemenangan gemilang yang jauh dari pengaruh AS. Mereka sesungguhnya bohong. Setiap orang yang berakal dan mempunyai kesadaran politik pasti tahu, bahwa andai saja AS tidak berada di belakangnya, pasti AS sudah memveto resolusi tersebut.

Wahai seluruh kaum Muslim:

Sungguh tepat sekali apa yang disabdakan oleh manusia jujur dan terpercaya, Nabi saw.:

«إِذَا لَمْ تَسْتَحِ فَاصْنَعْ مَا شِئْتَ»

“Jika Anda sudah tidak mempunyai rasa malu, maka lakukanlah apa saja.” (H.r. Bukhari, Ibn Majah dan Ahmad)

Para penguasa itu melihat Gaza memang harus diluluhlantakkan, di mana darah-darah orang tak bersalah berhak ditumpahkan. Mereka pun tidak menggerakkan tentaranya untuk membantu Gaza. Tidak juga melepaskan satu roket pun dari peluncurnya, bahkan lebih dari itu, justru mereka menghalang-halangi relawan untuk membantu Gaza… Ironisnya, mereka justru bergegas dan berlomba-lomba untuk mengeluarkan sebuah resolusi yang menghalangi Gaza dari akses senjata dan faktor-faktor yang bisa menopang kekuatannya.. Semoga mereka dilaknat oleh Allah; bagaimana mereka sampai bisa berpaling seperti itu?

Siapa pun yang melihat entitas Yahudi, perampas Palestina, dan dia tinggal berdekatan dengan para penguasa itu, pasti tahu persis keberlangsungan eksistensi Yahudi ini benar-benar digadaikan pada keberlangsungan para penguasa itu. Merekalah yang melindunginya, jauh lebih baik daripada melindungi diri mereka sendiri. Bahkan AS dan negara-negara Barat yang lain, yang mendukung entitas ini, tidak akan mempunyai pengaruh apapun, kalau seandainya ada satu saja dari para penguasa itu orang yang waras..

Wahai kaum Muslimin:

Kami telah mengingatkan berkali-kali. Kami ulangi lagi dan kami tambahkan, bahwa siapa saja yang ingin menghancurkan entitas Yahudi dan mengembalikan Palestina secara utuh ke pangkuan negeri Islam, maka dia harus berjuang untuk mewujudkan seorang penguasa yang ikhlas, negara yang benar, yaitu Khilafah Rasyidah. Sebab, seorang imam (pemimpin) itu bagaikan perisai, di mana orang berperang di belakangnya, dan kepadanya mereka berlindung, sebagaimana yang telah disabdakan oleh Nabi saw. Pada saat itulah, negara Yahudi itu tidak akan pernah lagi ada, bahkan negara-negara Kafir penjajah yang jauh lebih kuat dan digdaya ketimbang entitas Yahudi pun akan dihinadinakan.

Allah berfirman:

إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَذِكْرَى لِمَن كَانَ لَهُ قَلْبٌ أَوْ أَلْقَى السَّمْعَ وَهُوَ شَهِيدٌ

“Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat peringatan bagi orang-orang yang mempunyai akal atau yang menggunakan pendengarannya, sedang dia menyaksikannya.” (Q.s. Qaf [50]: 37)

13 Muharram 1430 H

9 Januari 2009 M

Hizbut Tahrir

While Bush used bombs,Obama will use 'Smart Power'

As George W Bush leaves office - Barack Obama and his team have been busily preparing to take power in America. Not satisfied with the effectiveness of Bush's murderous blood letting of Muslims, that included the industrialised slaughter of more than a million Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama and his team have been devising more effective ways to tackle Islam and Muslims. The approach taken by Bush in his "war against terror" is considered a failure by the new US administration.

In an address to the US Senate Hilary Clinton the new US Secretary of State said, "We must use what has been called smart power - the full range of tools at our disposal. With smart power, diplomacy will be the vanguard of foreign policy."

In the New York Times it was reported that Hilary Clinton described smart power as, "It means using all the levers of influence - diplomatic, economic, military, legal, political and cultural - to get what you want."

The US will try to repair the damage done to its reputation and the effectiveness of its foreign policy by employing new tactics. Muslims today are aware that the US is a colonialist power and its foreign policy objectives will never change. The British and other colonialist nations before them employed the same change in tactics when military power and killing failed. British foreign Secretary David Milliband said whilst on trip to India that the West "could not kill [their] way out of the problems of insurgency and civil strife" and suggested that the West needs to use more than military means.

This shift in tactics from military colonialism to political, cultural and economic colonialism is nothing new to the US and her colonialist cronies. They still aim to exploit weaker nations for the benefit of their corporations and the capitalists behind them. They have a long history of using agent rulers and corrupting the politics of the Muslim world. Culturally, the West has used the media to carry its viewpoint about life and has exported its ideas to the Muslim world. Economically, even the rich Gulf States are tied to the dollar and the international financial institutions that allow the West to exert its influence over them. The US knows that she can never subdue the Muslim World by military means alone and therefore seeks to use all the means at disposal.

The reason why the West can try to continue to exploit the Muslim Ummah is because the rulers of the Muslim countries allow them to do so. They could quite easily expose the plans of the Kuffar against the Muslims and thwart them. This is regardless of the US using military power or "Smart Power". The rulers in the Muslim lands fail to do their duty.

It is only the leadership of the Khilafah state that will allow the liberation of the lands of the Muslims from military, political, cultural and economic chains imposed upon her by the West and its agents. Indeed the Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم told us that the Khaleefah is the shield of the Ummah - a shield that has been removed resulting in the blows being dealt to the Ummah. Whilst these rulers are in place, the West will continue to exploit the Muslims - the terms may change from "shock and awe" to "smart power". One thing that remains constant is the treachery of the rulers of the Muslims.

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Sa'id that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم said: "On the Day of Judgment there will be a flag for every person guilty of treachery. It will be raised in proportion to the extent of his guilt; and there is no guilt of treachery more serious than the one committed by the ruler of men." [Sahih Muslim]

A letter from Gaza

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

My dear sisters and brothers I wanted to take this opportunity to send you a message from the sisters and brothers in Gaza. Please hear our situation and tell everyone that you know and don't know.

When the Zionists attacked us on 27th December 2008, they not only attacked Hamas, they not only attacked the Muslims of Gaza, they attacked Muslims everywhere. They attacked Islam in the hope that they will weaken it and ultimately destroy it and ummah of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم.

And they will never stop here. They want the beloved Al Aqsa, they want the West Bank and believe me when I tell you that they want the whole of the Middle East.

But they will never succeed. They will never remove the light of Allah inshAllah.

Our situation is dire but our iman is strong Alhamdulillah, even though we have no water to speak of, and when we do, it is polluted and diseased. We have no money to buy mineral water. When we find the money those that sell it say that it is too dangerous for them to travel out to get new supplies. We have no gas, and have not had for the last four months. We cook the little food we have on real fires that we have learned to prepare.

Our men have lost all of their jobs. They spend their days at home now. My husband can spend a day just going from place to place just for the basic need of water. He usually returns empty handed. There are no schools, no banks from which we can withdraw our money. Few hospitals are open for our wounded. You are constantly aware that you risk your life when you go out and when you are indoors. They give us a curfew between 1-4pm. We can go out, they say, in safety to get your supplies, but that is a lie. They have often used that opportunity to add more shuhadaa to their list.

We eat one day rice and one day bread. Meat and milk are a luxury. They are using chemical warfare in the areas which are on the borders. They are killing us by bullets and tanks and B52s, but they are also killing us slowly by starving our children, inflicting indescribable diseases with their chemical warfare and laughing as our suffering becomes prolonged and unbearable.

All this and we are being told that people demonstrate all over the world. MashAllah the fact that you go to embassies and leave your homes makes us feel truly that we are not alone in our struggle.

But you go home at night and lock your door. We cannot do that. I have to leave my home on the second floor every night and stay with my sister on the ground floor. Should there be an attack, it's quicker to leave from the ground floor.

But the ummah is asking where are the Muslim armies? Where is the victory? And where is our true leader who will save us from this death? Where are the armies of Salahadeen Ayubi? Do not look to the UN, they recognised Israel in 1949 as a state and sealed our fate as it is today. Do not turn to America or Britain, did they not invade our ummah in Iraq and Afghanistan. Call the armies in Egypt, in Syria, in Turkey, in Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. In Bangladesh, in the Gulf, in Indonesia and in Libya where are they? Are they content to watch women scream for their help as they bury their young children? Are the screams of their sisters and brothers falling on deaf ears? We have a right to eat and drink in safety and security. We have a right to laugh and live in hope, do we not?

Yes we are tired. When we hear rockets and bombs and see planes that fly too close to our building, I scream with my young son and my husband feels helpless. The brothers will know what it must be like to feel helpless to protect the honour and lives of your family. It kills something of him inside. We often wonder when will they sell our land cheaply, will it take one thousand or two thousand deaths. We wait to see. The Israelis have started to plan where their settlements will be in Gaza. This is what we have become.

In all this there is no one but Allah سبحانه وتعالى that can save us. Don't forget us because you are all that we have now. Your sadaqaat is not reaching us, and when they open borders it only reaches a few who can do nothing with it because we risk our lives just to buy food. They will kill anyone, anyone even if he is a five year old child carrying food for his family. We want to live from the sweat of our men, not from the sweat of others because we are dying.

Keep up the work of Allah and pray and work for the victory that will come soon and rescue our ummah everywhere inshAllah.

May Allah سبحانه وتعالى make us steadfast in our deen, during struggle and during ease. Ya Allah bring us the victory soon and re-establish Islam as the authority by which we live, Ya Allah send us the sons of Salahudeen, the army of Islam to rescue Mohammed's صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ummah from the oppression under which we live. Ya Allah protect our children and remove the zionists from our land. Ya Allah witness today that we account our rulers, we pray that you return our true leader the Khaleefah soon. Ameen.

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Your sister umm Taqi

Monday, January 5, 2009

BeBaSkaN GaZa-Ku

Dunia menatapmu dengan penuh luka
Dunia meratapimu dengan jerit tangis
Dunia merapatkan barisan mengutuk zionis laknatullah
Dunia membantumu dengan sesuap makan,seteguk minum,dan obat penawar lukamu
Biarlah Allah mencatatnya sebagai amal sholih mereka disisiNya

Tapi semua itu jauh dari kata cukup
Kami bisa berbuat lebih dari itu
Kami bisa mengirim tentara kami
Kami bisa mengirim senjata kami
Untuk membelamu dan mengusir zionis dari baitul maqdis
Tapi itu tak kami lakukan
Karena kami tak bisa berbuat banyak
Karena kami adalah rakyat biasa sama denganmu di Gaza

Selalu terbesit dalam benak kami
Selamanya telah tecatat dalam sejarah kelam dengan pembantaian umat islam dulu di bosnia,kosovo,kashmir,chechnya,ambon,poso,moro,pattani,iraq,palestine,afghanistan,libanon,sekarang engkau--gaza.Who's next???Until when do we have to see this eyesore???

Yaa Allah yaa Rabbana
Betapa kami menzalimi diri kami dan saudara-saudara kami
Dengan merasa 'cukup' mengirim bantuan kemanusiaan
Dengan merasa 'cukup' melakukan demonstrasi mengutuk kekejian zionis dan mengucapkan sumpah serapah atas mereka
Dengan merasa 'cukup' melakukan shalat ghaib dan mendoakan Qunut an nazilah bagi saudara kami
Dengan merasa 'bersyukur' hidup aman di negeri kami
Sedangkan saudara-saudara kami meregang nyawa oleh mortir dan tangan kotor zionis laknatullah
Dengan melemahkan semangat saudara kami yang lain yang ingin 'berjihad' membela saudara kami di gaza
Dengan menyatakan " 'doa' lebih dibutuhkan daripada 'jihad' ","jangan bertindak sembrono,emosional,setor nyawa,mati sia-sia dengan jadi relawan jihad karena medan sangat sulit,fasilitas musuh lebih hebat daripada fasilitas saudara kita hamas ataupun kita sendiri."
Dengan berspekulasi kata-kata ini dan itu
Dengan banyak berkomentar di sana sini tapi kami tak banyak berbuat
Kecuali dengan apa yang kami kira cukup padahal belum cukup
Sementara kami biarkan setiap waktu.detik,menit,jam,hari,miggu,bulan,bahkan mungkin tahun berlalu dengan melihat saudara kami meregang nyawa,membiarkan anak-anak mereka terlantar tanpa orang tua,
dan kami merasa cukup dengan mendoakan mereka

Yaa Allah yaa Rabbana
Diam kami atas penderitaan mereka adalah dosa besar kami
Sementara kami sudah sedang dan akan menanggung dosa-dosa kami sendiri
Kelak mereka akan mengemis keadilan yang belum pernah mereka rasakan selama hidup mereka di dunia di yaumil hisab
Dimana keadilanMu adalah segala-galanya bagi umat manusia
'mengapa mereka biarkan kami terluka dan terbunuh yaa Allah?'
'dimana mereka tatkala kami butuh mereka?'
'apa yang dilakukan para penguasa pada diri kami?'
'apa pembelaan mereka atas kami?dimana tentara-tentara kaum muslimin tatkala kami teraniaya dan terbantai?'
yaa Allah yaa rabbana
Pada hari itu,hari dimana kami menghadapMu,
Kami terdiam seribu bahasa
Tak berucap satu patah kata pun
Sebagaimana yang biasa kami lakukan didunia--banyak bicara
Mulut kami terkunci
Kecuali anggota tubuh kami yang berbicara
atas keluh kesah saudara kami

yaa Allah,
inilah doaku untuk saudara-saudaraku;
"Yaa Allah,himpunkanlah mereka dalam surga firdausMu yang hanya diperuntukkan bagi para nabi dan syuhada
hidupkanlah mereka dengan kehidupan kekal di surga firdaus,sebaik-baik tempat kembali umat manusia di akhirat"

inilah doaku untuk musuh-musuhMu;
"Yaa Allah,lemparkanlah mereka ke dalam neraka jahannam
hidupkan mereka dengan kehidupan kekal yang hina di dalamnya,seburuk-buruk tempat kembali umat manusia di akhirat"

inilah doaku untuk para penguasa zalim dan khianat;
"Yaa Allah,balaskan apa yang mereka lakukan pada saudara-saudara kami,balaskan kezaliman dan pengkhianatan dengan sikap diam dan bisu mereka atas penderitaan saudara kami,rasakanlah atas mereka azhab Mu karena abaikan urusan rakyat mereka dunia akhirat"
yaa Allah..dan gantikanlah mereka segera di dunia ini dengan datangnya pemimpin yang adil
Rasakanlah atas rakyat dunia keadilan seorang pemimpin yang agung di dunia ini sebelum mereka menikmati keadilanMu yang sesungguhnya di akhirat

inilah doaku untuk masa depan dunia yang lebih baik;
"yaa Allah,sungguh kami memohon padaMu khilafah rasyidah yang sesuai dengan manhaj kenabian yang dengannya Engkau muliakan islam dan umatnya serta Engkau hinakan kekufuran dan penganutnya.Sesungguhnya Engkau maha kuasa terhadap segala sesuatu.Sesungguhnya Engkau adalah sebaik-baik pemimpin dan penolong.Yaa Allah,janganlah Engkau haramkan kami untuk mendapatkan pahala(dari ditegakkannya khilafah)dan janganlah Engkau haramkan kami untuk hidup dibawah naungannya dan muliakanlah kami dengan ikut mengibarkan panji liwa khilafah"

Yaa Allah...
Bebaskan gazaku dengan khilafah
Bebaskan dunia dengan khilafah
Amiin yaa rabbal alamiin...