Difficult times are at every hand
I've clearly seen them nearest by
* in December 26,2004 tsunami shook and came down on acheh.
Afterwards,line of (natural)disasters never stopped dropping by some lands of the country as yet e.g.earthquake,massive flood,...on and on. The lastest one is the earthquake in west sumatra
All above disasters led to large number of material (infrastructure) and immaterial (casualties) loss.
* instead of natural disasters,we have also been through hard times in the life of :
~ Politics---Corruption,trick/fast-talk
~ Social intercourse---Free sex and drugs causing the increasing number of HIV AIDS and abortion
~ Health---Sick people are more and more.Only the rich can afford to pay for their cure.Health is not free but expensive
~ Laws---Man-made laws are so weak to punish the criminals.Notwithstanding the punishment,the criminals remain at large.When money talks,the case is close.
~ Education---Many students dropped out of their study for their parents' poor economy. Capitalistic education does not bring about the ideal pious muslim scholars but liberal ones far away from their values of deen
~ Economy---In islam,riba is haraam and trading is halaal (Qs al baqarah : 275). But in capitalism,riba is allowed in people's every way of life.Riba is the heart of capitalistic economy.The gap between the haves and the have-nots are widely open.Whilst trading and the fair distribution of wealth are the heart of islamic economy.
~ Many more...
Islam seems to be looked upon as a mere spiritual but not political belief.Yet,in capitalistic life,I've seen the more and more muslims seem to 'look down' on their spiritual side of belief such as praying,fasting,zakat,hajj i.e.when they do not pray,get fasting in ramadan,or pay zakat,they do not feel ashamed of the Lord and they do not fear Him.They also have no fear of sins.
What makes this happen?
This happens since capitalism brings forth democracy,liberalism,freedom in all ways of life.
Capitalism through its derivation allows one's nafs to take over the Lord (Allah)'s role as God.
Whilst Allah has admonished us :
" Seest thou such a one as taketh for his god His own passion (or impulse)?Couldst thou be a disposer of affairs for him?or thinkst thou that most of them listen or understand?They are only like cattle - nay,they are farther astray from the way " (Qs al Furqaan : 43-44)
Looking at these frequent hard times through natural and unnatural disasters, I wonder if it's just a test or wrath of Allah or even both of which.
Whatsoever it is, it always reminds me of Allah's admonition :
~ Qs al A'raaf (7): 96-99 :
" If the people of the towns had but believed and feared Allah, We should indeed have opened out to them all kinds of blessings from heaven and earth; But they rejected the truth,and We brought them to book for their misdeeds . Did the people of the towns feel secure against the coming of our wrath by night while they were asleep? Or else did they feel secure against its coming in bright daylight while they played about care-free? Did they then feel secure against Allah's devising but noone can feel secure from the plan of Allah except those (doomed) to win ! "
~ Qs al Israa' (17) : 16 :
" When We decide to destroy a town, We command those among them who are given the good things of the life to be obedient but they continued to transgress ; so that the word is proved true against them; then We destroy them utterly "
If it's a test, may Allah give strenght of faith and patience with His reward jannah for those muslims who're patient of this test.
If it's a wrath, It's no doubt that only islam can stop Allah's wrath upon the people of the world.
Only Islam with its shari'a implemented whole-heartedly by its state,ad daulah al khilafah ar rashida,can please Allah; then we'll gain His pleasure of the world and hereafter.
Allahu Akbar!